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Blog & Recipes

award pertama di Indonesia

Empowering Hidden Gem Commodities: Arummi’s Innovation Earns “Pertama di Indonesia” Recognition

Arummi Foods, the pioneer of Indonesia’s first locally sourced cashew milk, has been honored with the “Pertama di Indonesia” Award by INFOBRAND and TRAS N CO. This recognition affirms Arummi’s...

crab is one of copper source

2 Benefits of Copper for Your Health

When maintaining a healthy body, we often focus on macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Although they are needed in relatively small amounts, micronutrients

coffee milk

The Benefits of Coffee Milk for Health

Coffee milk is a popular beverage worldwide, combining the delicious and refreshing flavors of coffee and milk.  In this article, we’ll explore the health benefits

Health & Nutrition Info

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Starting as an online-only brand, Arummi has grown steadily and now proudly reaches over 360+ supermarkets and groceries stores across Java, Bali and Sumatra first-tier cities.