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source of complex sugar

Complex Sugars – Benefits, Risks, and Consumption Tips

Sugar is one of the most commonly used food ingredients in daily life. While granulated sugar is widely known, there are various types of sugars. In fact, many foods we consume daily also contain sugar.

Generally, there are two types of sugar: simple sugar and complex sugar. This article discusses complex sugars, also known as complex carbohydrates. Let’s dig it!

What Is Complex Sugar?

Complex sugar, or complex carbohydrate, is a type of carbohydrate consisting of longer molecular chains than simple sugars. Complex sugar is also called polysaccharide.

Simple sugars consist of only one or two sugar molecules, while complex sugars contain more than 60,000 sugar molecules. When the body consumes complex sugar, these sugar molecules are broken down into simple sugars. Once they become single molecules, sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Therefore, the digestion process of complex sugar takes longer, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels and providing a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. 

Examples of Complex Sugars

Some foods that contain complex sugars include:

  • Rice
  • Wheat
  • Potatoes
  • Corn
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Pasta
  • Oatmeal

Benefits of Complex Sugars

Complex sugars, or complex carbohydrates, have more benefits than simple sugars. Here are some benefits of complex sugars for the body:

1. Energy Source

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. Energy is needed for metabolism so that the cells and tissues of the body function properly.

Complex sugars are a good source of energy for the body. Digestion of complex sugars takes longer, providing a more enduring source of energy compared to simple sugars.

2. Maintaining Digestive Health

Foods containing complex sugars usually also contain fiber. Fiber in complex sugars helps maintain the health of the digestive system.

3. Providing a Longer-lasting Feeling of Fullness

Consuming complex sugars from high-fiber foods can make the stomach feel full longer. This prevents quick hunger pangs and helps control appetite.

4. Blood Sugar Control

The digestion process for complex sugars takes longer. As a result, blood sugar levels do not rise suddenly and remain stable. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

Risks of Excessive Consumption of Complex Sugars

Despite its many benefits, excessive consumption of complex sugars can also cause several health problems, including:

1. Weight Gain

Excess sugar intake beyond the body’s needs will be stored in the body. If it is not balanced with sufficient physical activity, it can lead to weight gain.

2. Increasing the Risk of Diabetes

Although complex sugars have a lower glycemic index than simple sugars, excessive consumption can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

3. Digestive Issues

Consuming too much complex sugar may not allow all sugars to be fully digested. Undigested sugars will be fermented by bacteria in the intestines.

This fermentation process produces gas. Excessive gas can cause bloating and discomfort.

Tips for Consuming Complex Sugars

To maximize the benefits of complex sugars and reduce potential health risks, here are some tips for consuming foods containing complex sugars:

1. Monitor The Intake

Consume complex sugars in portions that meet your needs. Therefore, it’s best to calculate your daily calorie needs first. Then, calculate your carbohydrate needs to estimate the amount of intake per meal.

The recommended daily carbohydrate intake is 340–430 grams for adult men and 340–360 grams for adult women.

The maximum sugar intake per day is 50 grams, or equivalent to 4 tablespoons.

2. Combine It with Protein and Healthy Fats.

To get a variety of nutrients, combine complex sugars with foods containing protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

Arummi Recommendation: Arummi Cashew Milk with Low Sugar

Arummi cashew milk is a low-sugar plant-based milk. In 170 ml of classic Arummi cashew milk, there are only 9 grams of sugar.

Therefore, Arummi cashew milk is suitable for those who want to reduce sugar consumption and maintain blood sugar levels.

Get Arummi cashew milk at your nearest supermarket!


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Sugar is one of the most commonly used food ingredients in daily life. While granulated sugar is widely known, there are various types of sugars. In fact, many foods we consume daily also contain sugar.

Generally, there are two types of sugar: simple sugar and complex sugar. This article discusses complex sugars, also known as complex carbohydrates. Let’s dig it!

What Is Complex Sugar?

Complex sugar, or complex carbohydrate, is a type of carbohydrate consisting of longer molecular chains than simple sugars. Complex sugar is also called polysaccharide.

Simple sugars consist of only one or two sugar molecules, while complex sugars contain more than 60,000 sugar molecules. When the body consumes complex sugar, these sugar molecules are broken down into simple sugars. Once they become single molecules, sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Therefore, the digestion process of complex sugar takes longer, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels and providing a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. 

Examples of Complex Sugars

Some foods that contain complex sugars include:

Benefits of Complex Sugars

Complex sugars, or complex carbohydrates, have more benefits than simple sugars. Here are some benefits of complex sugars for the body:

1. Energy Source

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of energy. Energy is needed for metabolism so that the cells and tissues of the body function properly.

Complex sugars are a good source of energy for the body. Digestion of complex sugars takes longer, providing a more enduring source of energy compared to simple sugars.

2. Maintaining Digestive Health

Foods containing complex sugars usually also contain fiber. Fiber in complex sugars helps maintain the health of the digestive system.

3. Providing a Longer-lasting Feeling of Fullness

Consuming complex sugars from high-fiber foods can make the stomach feel full longer. This prevents quick hunger pangs and helps control appetite.

4. Blood Sugar Control

The digestion process for complex sugars takes longer. As a result, blood sugar levels do not rise suddenly and remain stable. This reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

Risks of Excessive Consumption of Complex Sugars

Despite its many benefits, excessive consumption of complex sugars can also cause several health problems, including:

1. Weight Gain

Excess sugar intake beyond the body’s needs will be stored in the body. If it is not balanced with sufficient physical activity, it can lead to weight gain.

2. Increasing the Risk of Diabetes

Although complex sugars have a lower glycemic index than simple sugars, excessive consumption can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

3. Digestive Issues

Consuming too much complex sugar may not allow all sugars to be fully digested. Undigested sugars will be fermented by bacteria in the intestines.

This fermentation process produces gas. Excessive gas can cause bloating and discomfort.

Tips for Consuming Complex Sugars

To maximize the benefits of complex sugars and reduce potential health risks, here are some tips for consuming foods containing complex sugars:

1. Monitor The Intake

Consume complex sugars in portions that meet your needs. Therefore, it’s best to calculate your daily calorie needs first. Then, calculate your carbohydrate needs to estimate the amount of intake per meal.

The recommended daily carbohydrate intake is 340–430 grams for adult men and 340–360 grams for adult women.

The maximum sugar intake per day is 50 grams, or equivalent to 4 tablespoons.

2. Combine It with Protein and Healthy Fats.

To get a variety of nutrients, combine complex sugars with foods containing protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

Arummi Recommendation: Arummi Cashew Milk with Low Sugar

Arummi cashew milk is a low-sugar plant-based milk. In 170 ml of classic Arummi cashew milk, there are only 9 grams of sugar.

Therefore, Arummi cashew milk is suitable for those who want to reduce sugar consumption and maintain blood sugar levels.

Get Arummi cashew milk at your nearest supermarket!


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