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Blog & Resep

how to store milk properly

Bagaimana Cara Menyimpan Susu dengan Benar untuk Menjaga Kualitas dan Keamanannya?

Milk is an important beverage that helps meet the body’s nutritional needs. However, we often overlook that proper storage of milk also plays a critical role in maintaining its quality...

milk tea

4 Manfaat Teh Susu untuk Kesehatan

Milk tea is a delightful beverage that harmoniously blends tea and milk. This drink has become a favorite in various parts of the world, with

Apakah ASI Mengandung Laktosa?

Breast milk is a primary source of nutrition for infants. Babies are recommended to receive exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. After that, breastfeeding

difference between sucrose and lactose

Apa Perbedaan Sukrosa dan Laktosa?

When reading the nutritional information on packaged drinks, you might come across the contents of sucrose and lactose. Do you know what sucrose and lactose

Informasi Kesehatan & Nutrisi

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